Episode 34. Pain Neuroscience & Back Pain: Breaking it Down for Patients
When you first realize that one of your clients REALLY needs to understand the fundamentals of pain science it can be very overwhelming. In this episode Mez shares some helpful tools that have helped him start the sometimes difficult journey of Pain Neuroscience Education (PNE).
We start with screening the patients' beliefs about pain using true/false statements and progress to specifics about their history, subjective, and objective exam using the orthopedic sensitivity framework.
To learn more about the cutting edge Pain Neuroscience Education (PNE), Mez discusses in this episode check out any of the following resources:
“Why you Hurt” (Index Card Curriculum) by Adriaan Louw
"Why Do I Hurt?" (Patient Education Booklet) by Adriaan Louw
"Explain Pain" (Patient & Clinician Education Booklet) by David Butler & Lormier Mosley
"Integrating Manual Therapy and Pain Neuroscience." (Clinician Education ) by Adrian Louw, Emilio Puentedura, Stephen Schmidt, Kory Zimney
"Therapeutic Neuroscience Education - Teaching Patients About Pain" by Adrian Louw, Emilio Puentedura